Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Sexual Harassment

HOW TO HANDLE SEXUAL HARRASSMENT There are appropriate and inappropriate ways to handle sexual harassment. The wrong way is to blow a little circumstance into something big. If something someone is doing is bothering you then let them know. Do not accuse them of sexual harassment without even letting the person know that you are offended. Sometimes people do things that do not offend some people, but they offend you. Examples of this are when people make certain jokes or if people invade your personal space. This might be okay with certain people, but not with you. The best thing to do is to let someone know when situations are making you feel uncomfortable right away. There are three forms of communication that you can use. These are verbal, non-verbal, and written. Non-verbal communication is a very effective way to let someone know that they are acting unsuitably. This form of communication should be used before circumstances turn into harassment. If someone tells an inappropriate joke then you can give them a blank stare. That will let them know that you do not think that it is funny at all. A serious look on your face can also let them know that you do not think that it is funny. You can also use non-verbal communication if someone is getting too close to you and invading your personal space. In this instance simply taking a step back and raising your eyebrows might let the person know that they are behaving in a way that makes you uncomfortable. Non-verbal communication can be very effective in letting people know that they are not acting properly. You can use facial expressions and body language to get your point across. Most of the time using non-verbal communication will be sufficient to get your point across, however sometimes y ou will need to use other forms of communication to be heard. There are some instances where the situation needs to be addressed verbally. Sometimes people are afraid to verbally ... Free Essays on Sexual Harassment Free Essays on Sexual Harassment HOW TO HANDLE SEXUAL HARRASSMENT There are appropriate and inappropriate ways to handle sexual harassment. The wrong way is to blow a little circumstance into something big. If something someone is doing is bothering you then let them know. Do not accuse them of sexual harassment without even letting the person know that you are offended. Sometimes people do things that do not offend some people, but they offend you. Examples of this are when people make certain jokes or if people invade your personal space. This might be okay with certain people, but not with you. The best thing to do is to let someone know when situations are making you feel uncomfortable right away. There are three forms of communication that you can use. These are verbal, non-verbal, and written. Non-verbal communication is a very effective way to let someone know that they are acting unsuitably. This form of communication should be used before circumstances turn into harassment. If someone tells an inappropriate joke then you can give them a blank stare. That will let them know that you do not think that it is funny at all. A serious look on your face can also let them know that you do not think that it is funny. You can also use non-verbal communication if someone is getting too close to you and invading your personal space. In this instance simply taking a step back and raising your eyebrows might let the person know that they are behaving in a way that makes you uncomfortable. Non-verbal communication can be very effective in letting people know that they are not acting properly. You can use facial expressions and body language to get your point across. Most of the time using non-verbal communication will be sufficient to get your point across, however sometimes y ou will need to use other forms of communication to be heard. There are some instances where the situation needs to be addressed verbally. Sometimes people are afraid to verbally ... Free Essays on Sexual Harassment Despite widespread publicity about the perils of sexual harassment, surveys demonstrate that businesses operating in the United States have yet to address the problem. Moreover, recent news reports indicate the sexual harassment has reached the highest levels of management. Although businesses know it exists, they appear unsure of what to do about it. As a result, the spector of employer liability for sexual harassment continues to loom over the workplace. Failure to attempt to solve and to take a stand on this aggressive subject can result not only in costly lawsuits, but also in a loss of employee morale, decline in productivity, and an erosion of a company’s public image. This may prove costly because these risks have substantially increased in years. In 1991, Congress amended Title VII to permit victims of sexual harassment to recover damages (including punitive damages) under federal law. Moreover, in 1993 the U.S. Supreme Court broadened the reach of this law by making it easier to prove injury. As a result, sexual harassment in the workplace presents a clear and present danger to businesses. They must now take action or face increasing risk of liability. To play it smart, companies need to understand the whole issue of sexual harassment. They need to consider the disturbing statistics behind an often forgotten and hidden problem, the legal grounds available to victims, the current trends in the law, and the ways that companies can protect themselves. On-the-job sexual harassment is not a recent problem, although legal liability for it is. It’s a problem that is just shrugged off and forgotten about. Surveyed in Redbook magazine, a poll found that nine out of ten women have been subjected to unwanted sexual advances at work. In 1980, the federal government surveyed it’s own employees and found that forty-two percent of the women stated that they experienced some form of work-related sexual harassme... Free Essays on Sexual Harassment How Long will Sexual Harassment Remain a Hush-hush Affair? By Selamawit Seyoum Women at all levels of education and occupation endure humiliation and ordeal in the hands of men at work places. Many women live in a complete riddle why they are sexually harassed by their male counterparts even today, at the turn of the new millennium when enhanced efforts are being exerted to eliminate all forms of violence against women. In fact despite the enormity of the problem, sexual harassment has never been given due attention in this country. Some women approached by the Herald cited cases that harassment begins right from the day of interview for a job. That is the day when, they said, employers, especially in the private organizations, "remind" women that meeting their sexual advances is part of the job description. "When you go into the boss's offices for an interview, you can't escape those lusty eyes of his that run from the tip of your hair down to your toe assessing your sexual worthiness. That leaves you in a very uncomfortable situation. Your qualification for the job is not enough, the boss needs more. He makes it clear in his own way that you will have to accept his invitation for a date if your really want the job," Simret Tesfaye said while explaining her personal experience with a couple of employers. There are women workers who live in traumata due to sexual abuses. They are confronted with hard choices either to succumb to the sexual advances or give up their jobs. Mekdes Ye*censored*ila, in her twenties, who had been working in a private company explained that the owner of the company forwarded sexual demands following repeated invitations for lunch and dinner which she never accepted. She said, "I did not quit my job the first time he asked me to go out with him. I told him right to his face that he was a married man with a kid and should behave accordingly. However, that did not deter him...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Consecuencias vencimiento de la greencard y qu hacer

Consecuencias vencimiento de la greencard y qu hacer Como regla general, las tarjetas de residencia en Estados Unidos, tambià ©n conocidas como green card, son vlidas por 10 aà ±os. Si no se renueva a tiempo dentro de plazo y se permite que llegue su fecha de vencimiento, las consecuencias van a depender de si el residente est en ese momento en Estados Unidos o, si por el contrario, est en otro paà ­s. Adems, existen aproximadamente 700 mil tarjetas de residencia sin fecha de expiracià ³n. En este artà ­culo se explica cules son las consecuencias de tener una tarjeta de residencia con fecha vencida, quà © pasa si se tiene una green card sin fecha de vencimiento y cul es la diferencia entre una tarjeta de residencia definitiva y otra temporal o condicional. Green card vencida y el residente en Estados Unidos Puede suceder que un residente permanente no verifique la fecha de expiracià ³n y que su green card està © expirada. La buena noticia es que sigue siendo residente. Nunca se pierde esa condicià ³n por ese motivo,  aunque sà ­ hay otras razones por las que se perderà ­a. Lo que debe hacer es solicitar la renovacià ³n llenando en  el formulario I-90 y pagando una cuota de $455 y otros $85 por los biomà ©tricos. En algunos casos es posible solicitar una exencià ³n del pago de dicha tarifa. Lo ideal es pedir una nueva green card seis meses antes de que la actual expire y destacar que si la green card est vencida o faltan menos de seis meses para su vencimiento no se puede iniciar el trmite para solicitar la ciudadanà ­a por naturalizacià ³n. Green card expirada y residente en otro paà ­s A diferencia de lo que ocurre en el supuesto anterior, aquà ­ sà ­ que puede haber un problema si es que la green card expira mientras el residente est fuera de Estados Unidos y no llenà ³ el I-90 ANTES de salir del paà ­s. Y es que esa planilla no se puede cumplimentar desde el exterior. El primer problema que puede presentarse es que las aerolà ­neas no dejan volar hacia Estados Unidos a personas con tarjetas de residencia que han expirado. En estos casos lo que hay que hacer es solicitar una cita en el consulado estadounidense ms cercano que pueda tramitar una carta de transporte (Transportation Letter). Llevar adems documentacià ³n adicional, como 2 fotografà ­as tipo pasaporte, fotocopia legible del pasaporte, copia de la tarjeta de embarque emitida por la aerolà ­nea para viajar a Estados Unidos y la green card expirada. Adems, al cerrar la cita verificar si es necesario presentar un rà ©cord policial. Una vez que se tiene la carta de transporte en mano se debe viajar a Estados Unidos antes de que llegue la fecha de su vencimiento y, en todo caso, antes de que transcurran 30 dà ­as desde que fue emitida.   El segundo problema que puede plantearse es que una vez que el residente llega a Estados Unidos al control migratorio en un aeropuerto, puerto o puesto fronterizo terrestre, un oficial de la CBP entrevista al residente para asegurarse que sigue conservando su estatus.   Por ejemplo, si ha pasado una cantidad de tiempo considerable fuera de los Estados Unidos puede considerar que ha perdido el estatus de residente y no se le permitir ingresar. Por el contrario, si no hay problemas e ingresa, deber aplicar inmediatamente por la renovacià ³n de la green card mediante el formulario el I-90. Casos de green card sin fecha de expiracià ³n Entre 1977 y 1989, el gobierno de los Estados Unidos emitià ³ miles de green cards sin fecha de expiracià ³n. En la actualidad hay aproximadamente 700 mil tarjetas de residencia de este tipo. Son vlidas si en letra pequeà ±a tienen escrito I-551. Por el contrario, son invlidas si aparece la letra y nà ºmero I-151. Aunque las que llevan la anotacià ³n I-551 son vlidas es recomendable solicitar su cambio por una versià ³n actualizada mediante el formulario I-90. Las razones son que puede ocasionar retraso en el paso migratorio al llegar a Estados Unidos porque la foto ya tiene muchos aà ±os. Adems, con ese tipo de tarjetas no puede utilizarse Global Entry para acelerar el paso por aduanas y, finalmente, algunos empleadores se muestran reacios a contratar a un migrante con un documento con foto tan antigua. Diferencias entre residencia permanente y residencia condicional No confundir el plazo de validad de una tarjeta de residencia ordinaria, que es de 10 aà ±os y el de una residencia condicional, cuya condicionalidad debe levantarse a los 2 aà ±os para convertirla en permanente. Los dos casos en los que se puede dar una tarjeta condicional son en algunas peticiones por matrimonio cuando se obtiene la green card antes de cumplir dos aà ±os de casados y en los de obtencià ³n de la green card por inversià ³n a travà ©s del programa EB-5. A tener en cuenta: naturalizacià ³n, ciudadanà ­a y test Los residentes pueden solicitar la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense por medio del trmite que se conoce como naturalizacià ³n. Los plazos de espera para poder solicitarla dependen de las circunstancias de cada residente.   Es importante valorar que no es lo mismo la residencia que la ciudadanà ­a, ya que con à ©sta se tienen ms derechos y tambià ©n ms protecciones legales. Por lo tanto, es una opcià ³n que se debe realmente estudiar. Por à ºltimo, toma este test de respuestas mà ºltiples sobre la residencia para garantizar que sabes todo lo fundamental sobre la green card: cà ³mo se obtiene y cà ³mo se conserva. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Authentic Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Authentic Leadership - Essay Example The need for leadership construct evolves the criteria of fulfilling our needs by economic institutions and in order to meet institutional needs, individual is required to endure at least twelve years of formal education. However despite attaining a longer tenure in education, students still lack in determining their goal of life. This might be due to the globalising tendencies that we witness as market economies and are placed in the category of consumer market in which every individual born in the society is a consumer, and every consumer is either agent to the institute or interpretor. An illustration is that of given by Barker (2002) points out that this is one of the reasons why the role of interpreter of the Church has been transformed into roles other than the one use to guide people (2002, p. 68). Such consumer market has affected management and leadership development in economic ideology to the extent where it has been constructed in order to form a social hierarchy which send commands and controls knowledge management to authenticate leadership theories. However, theories alone are not enough to identify the core of the Australian leadership culture in this materialistic epoch, there are some attributes of the workplace that can be placed under the heading of worship. These attributes reveal to us that corporate environment, law firms or even union hierarchies define idealistic leadership in the light of religious attitudes that entail male orientation, physical and emotional strength, and self-reliant behavior (Sinclair, 2005, p. 44-45). One reason for such requirement is the physical contribution and influence of male over female is more task-oriented and dedicated. Corporate practices support these values so as to religious male leaders may work longer hours with minimal leave while representing a sense of self-sacrifice in terms of devoting maximum time for the job. Contemporary administration of Catholic schools

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Amearican Pop Cultures and Politics from 1940 to Present ( short Essay

Amearican Pop Cultures and Politics from 1940 to Present ( short questions) - Essay Example During the formal political protest of 1950-1970, audiotopia music was used to make an awakening call to Americans to oppose bad governance and fight for more civil rights and liberty. 2. Formal politics are the kind of politics that is defined by the law. In this case, there exists a legal framework on which all political issues are inclined. Just as the title implies, they are formal, organized, and very easily defined and identified. Formal politics are done be organized groups and individuals and in most cases, they involves divergent opinions on some legal perspectives. On the other hand, cultural politics are informal. In this case, culture politics basically defines the role of culture in defining economic, social and political lives of the people. As such, it involves everyday acts of political changes and ideas that are not intentional or at least based on cultural aspects. During 1940-1950, politics in America were marked with huge changes as a result of amendments made on the law to regulate the way politics are conducted. In this case, the two types of politics were harmonized so as to complete each other. between 1960 and 1970, more formalization of p olitics was done such that a shift from cultural politics to modern politics were experienced. 3.A moral panic is the term used to express a strong feeling of fear among the population that the social and moral orientation of their culture is being threatened. In this case, moral panic in America during the period 1950 to 1990 was marked with changes in the moral aspect of people. As such, more and more people started engaging in immoral behavior that was seen as catastrophic to future generation. Moral decadence was experience mainly in 1980s and 1990s whereby the issue of sexual immorality was seen to be on the riding trend. Many cases of teenage pregnancy and indecency acts

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Year of the Flood Essay Example for Free

The Year of the Flood Essay â€Å"The Year of the Flood† is an epic, sprawling novel that moves back and forth between past, present and future effortlessly. Though it is told from Ren and Toby’s point of view, the novel is really about the story of three women (Ren, Toby, and Amanda) and their will to survive in a cruel and harsh world. It is a story of hope, despite all odds and a story of the power of love. Fatefulness about the survival of the species is not new. Religious thinking has end-time built in, and most of our sentient life on the planet humankind has been predominantly religious. That has changed in Westernized countries, but only relatively recently, and alongside advances in scientific knowledge. Our new pessimism no longer depends on a deity to wipe out this wicked world. Since the Manhattan Project, we have learned to do these ourselves. That end is also the end of â€Å"The Year of the Flood. † Here Atwood has brilliantly re-told her own tale, through other mouths and focusing on different details, showing us how the kids Jimmy and Glenn become the Snowman and Crake, (from â€Å"Oryx and Crake†) and how an end or the End can happen in the name of new beginning. The Waterless Flood has long been predicted by God’s Gardeners, a back-to-nature cult founded by Adam One. Its members live simply and organically, sing terrible hymns, have no dress sense and peddle a bolted-together theology, difficult to think about if you think at all. With values diametrically opposed to those of the ruling CorpSEcorps, the Gardeners aren’t â€Å"the answer,† but at least they’ve asked enough questions to avoid a life of endless shopping and face-lifts. The Gardeners sometimes do evangelical work in the mean streets, known as the pleeblands, or picket at fast-food joints like SecretBurgers because it’s wrong to eat anything with a face. At SecretBurgers they have rescued a young woman named Toby from the murderous clutches of her sex-crazed boss, Blanco the Bloat, and it’s Toby who is one of the central characters in the post-plague part of the story. As a Gardener, Toby rises to the position of Eve Six, in charge of the bees, herbs and potions, but Blanco never stops pursuing her, and to save herself, and the group, she receives a new identity in the health spa AnooYoo. Recovering from plastic surgery, she avoids the deathly wipeout germ of plague. Less cosmetically, but just as effectively, Ren, a pole dancer at a local sex joint called Scales and Tails, is in an isolation room after a bloody attack by a punter, so she too misses the bio-bug. The women’s past and present stories alternate and intertwine, bringing to life the world they must survive in- a world where pigs have human tissues and sheep are bred with human hair in different colors, silver and purple being the hot hits for whole-head implants, providing you don’t mind smelling of lamb chops when it rains. The sensitive CorpSEcorps elite boy Glenn, who becomes Crake, starts out as a teenage sympathizer for the Gardeners but is too seduced by his own brain power to trust nature. Like his friend Jimmy, Glenn doesn’t know to love, and the awkward devotion he feels for the girl he calls Oryx isn’t returned. Atwood is really good at showing, without judging, what happens when human beings cannot love. In the worst of them, like Blanco, brutality and sadism take over. In the better of them, Crake designs out love and romance because he wants to design out the pain and confusion of emotion. In this strangely lonely book, where neither love or romance changes the narrative, friendship of a real and lasting and risk-taking kind stands against the emotional emptiness of the money/sex/power/consumer world of CorpSEcorps, and as the proper antidote to the plague—mongering of Crake and Jimmy, for whom humankind holds so little promise. As ever with Atwood, it is friendship between women that is noted and celebrated—friendship not without its jealousies but friendship that survives rivalry and disappointment, and has a generosity that at the end of the novel allows for hope. Atwood believes in human kind, and she likes women. It is Toby and Ren who take the novel forward from the last page, not the genetically engineered new humans. Atwood is funny and clever, such a good writer and real thinker that there’s hardly any point saying that not everything in this novel works. Why should it? A high level of creativity has to let in some chaos; just as nobody would want the world as engineered by Crake; nobody needs a factory-finished novel. The flaws in â€Å"The Year of the Flood† are part of the pleasure, as they are with human beings, that species so threatened by its own impending suicide and help up here for us to look at, mourn over, laugh at and hope for. Atwood knows how to show us ourselves, but the mirror she holds up to life does more than reflect- it’s like one of those mirrors made with mercury that gives us both a deepening and distorting effect, allowing both the depths of human nature and its potential mutations. We don’t know how we will evolve, or if we will evolve at all. â€Å"The Year of the Flood† isn’t a prophecy, but is eerily possible.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Two Digital Visual Artists Essay -- Art Theory Artists

Two Digital Visual Artists Visual art practises have been around since the foundation of mans existence, also mans constant drive for progression is also evident. These practises continue to grow, not only in the arts but also in every area of mans life. From the beginning we had cave drawings or finger paintings. These creations are interpreted by individuals today who may not understand why, who, when or how, but realise that these creations may have lead others to doing likewise. From these basic artworks, concepts are derived, and questions are asked, certain ideas and improvements are thought up. Other individuals advance on the paints or the surface which are used, styles, colours, tools, and others resources, all improving on the other to acquire a cleaner, sharper, stronger, darker, lighter overall better image that the artist wants to portray. These endless improvements carry on evolving to this present time. The tools may have changed but the concepts are still the same. We draw or paint or create something to share a story, to share a feeling, to share an inner most desire, with personal boundaries and trust that others may see the reasons, the lessons or the feelings, without intolerance. Visual art practises are constantly changing, from the basic images of the cavemen to the cyber poetry of this post modern era. This gradual change in technique and style in the visual arts scene, are shown in modern galleries of today. The technological advances have overwhelmed expectations in modern living compared to 20 years ago. Creative artists have taken hold of many of these advantages and run wild with them. Improving art from cave hand prints, to cave drawings, to cave painting, to sculpting, to painting on canvas a... ...m (2004): http://www.jimcampbell.tv/ HCAS (2001) â€Å"Rodney Chang† http://www.lastplace.com/rcstat.htm Hosfelt Gallery (2002): http://www.hosfeltgallery.com/Exhibits/2002/Campbell.html Mayfield, Kendra (2004): â€Å"Engineers Just Wanna Make Art† http://www.wired.com/news/culture/0%2C1284%2C62714%2C00.html O'Brien, John (2003) â€Å"Jim Campbell† http://artscenecal.com/ArticlesFile/Archive/Articles1997/Articles0697/JCampbell.html Chang, Rodney (1999) â€Å"Evolving Role of the Computerized Artist† http://www.lastplace.com/EXHIBITS/E2000Py/cartevolve.htm The Commonwealth Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts (2002): â€Å"Report of the Contemporary Visual Arts and Craft Inquiry† http://www.dcita.gov.au/Article/0%2C%2C0_1-2_15-4_111225%2C00.html The Digital Artist.com (2002) â€Å"Dr. Rodney Chang (Pygoya)† http://www.thedigitalartist.com/artist.phtml?uid=rchang Two Digital Visual Artists Essay -- Art Theory Artists Two Digital Visual Artists Visual art practises have been around since the foundation of mans existence, also mans constant drive for progression is also evident. These practises continue to grow, not only in the arts but also in every area of mans life. From the beginning we had cave drawings or finger paintings. These creations are interpreted by individuals today who may not understand why, who, when or how, but realise that these creations may have lead others to doing likewise. From these basic artworks, concepts are derived, and questions are asked, certain ideas and improvements are thought up. Other individuals advance on the paints or the surface which are used, styles, colours, tools, and others resources, all improving on the other to acquire a cleaner, sharper, stronger, darker, lighter overall better image that the artist wants to portray. These endless improvements carry on evolving to this present time. The tools may have changed but the concepts are still the same. We draw or paint or create something to share a story, to share a feeling, to share an inner most desire, with personal boundaries and trust that others may see the reasons, the lessons or the feelings, without intolerance. Visual art practises are constantly changing, from the basic images of the cavemen to the cyber poetry of this post modern era. This gradual change in technique and style in the visual arts scene, are shown in modern galleries of today. The technological advances have overwhelmed expectations in modern living compared to 20 years ago. Creative artists have taken hold of many of these advantages and run wild with them. Improving art from cave hand prints, to cave drawings, to cave painting, to sculpting, to painting on canvas a... ...m (2004): http://www.jimcampbell.tv/ HCAS (2001) â€Å"Rodney Chang† http://www.lastplace.com/rcstat.htm Hosfelt Gallery (2002): http://www.hosfeltgallery.com/Exhibits/2002/Campbell.html Mayfield, Kendra (2004): â€Å"Engineers Just Wanna Make Art† http://www.wired.com/news/culture/0%2C1284%2C62714%2C00.html O'Brien, John (2003) â€Å"Jim Campbell† http://artscenecal.com/ArticlesFile/Archive/Articles1997/Articles0697/JCampbell.html Chang, Rodney (1999) â€Å"Evolving Role of the Computerized Artist† http://www.lastplace.com/EXHIBITS/E2000Py/cartevolve.htm The Commonwealth Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts (2002): â€Å"Report of the Contemporary Visual Arts and Craft Inquiry† http://www.dcita.gov.au/Article/0%2C%2C0_1-2_15-4_111225%2C00.html The Digital Artist.com (2002) â€Å"Dr. Rodney Chang (Pygoya)† http://www.thedigitalartist.com/artist.phtml?uid=rchang

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Blessed Are the Peacemaker

CHAPTER ONE: Peace Makers INTRODUCTION: The followers of Jesus have been called to peace. When he called them they found their peace, for he is their peace. But now they are told that they must not only have peace but make it. And to that end they renounce all violence and tumult. Now, PEACEMAKING is a divine work. For peace means reconciliation; and God is the author of peace and of reconciliation. †¦ It is hardly surprising, therefore, that the particular blessing which attaches to peacemakers is that â€Å"they shall be called sons of God. For they are seeking to do what their Father has done, loving people with his love. 1. 1Who are the Peace Makers Being a peacemaker is part of being surrendered to God, for God brings peace. We abandon the effort to get our needs met through the destruction of enemies. God comes to us in Christ to make peace with us; and we participate in God's grace as we go to our enemies to make peace. For no one has ever been converted by violence. Mak ing peace makes us God's children—and kin to each other. According to Michael H. Crosby, in his work ‘Spirituality of the Beatitudes’. The peace intended is not merely that of political and economic stability, as in the Greco-Roman world, but peace in the Old Testament inclusive sense of wholeness, all that constitutes well-being. †¦ The â€Å"peacemakers,† therefore, are not simply those who bring peace between two conflicting parties, but those actively at work making peace, bringing about wholeness and well-being among the alienated. However, they play a vital role by their impact by creating peace where violence has taken control. It is important to note that peacemakers are honoured insofar as they speak about peace as something already victoriously won that we can celebrate as part of our glorious past or as something that will be won in the other world. They continue to be dishonoured insofar as they continue to point out injustice, hypocrisy, and suffering. They are noble when their actions bring to light, problems far away from us; they are an odious nuisance when they point out our own sins. We are called peacemakers as Christians by our ways of life. However, in our reflection, it’s interesting to point out that, none of those theologians seem to give much thought to how one deal with evil. Are we supposed to give in and allow violent, evil people to make slaves of us all? That would be the result of peace making at any cost. Hitler and his people would be ruling the world today, people would be evaluated according to their mental and physical abilities and those who are for whatever reason unable to participate and contribute would end up in concentration camps. Muslim extremists are not all that different; a good example is the recent religious crisis in Jos Plateau state. Perhaps Mr. Bush and his people were wrong for starting the war and as he himself has said, we might never know the answer but evil and injustice must be fought against with every thing we have. Jesus commanded us to do good and that includes putting down evil action. As long as there are violent self-serving leaders in charge of underdeveloped countries there is nothing we can do. The poor will ever benefit from our charity. 1. 2The Cry of the Beatitudes: Get a New Heart One after the other the beatitudes tell us that the blessings of eternity will be given only to those who have become new creatures. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God. If we don't obtain mercy, we receive judgment. If we don't see God, we are not in heaven. If we aren't called the sons of God, we are outside the family. In other words these are all descriptions of final salvation. And it is promised only to the merciful, the pure in heart, and the peacemakers. Therefore the beatitudes are like long spikes holding down the lid of the coffin on the false teaching which says that if you just believe in Jesus you will go to heaven whether or not you are merciful or pure in heart or a peacemaker. In fact, from beginning to end the Sermon on the Mount cries out, â€Å"Get yourself a new heart! Become a new person! The river of judgment is at the door! † You recall the words of verse 20: â€Å"Unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven† (Matthew 5:20). And at the very end of the sermon in (Matthew 7:26f), the Lord calls out over the crowds, â€Å"Every one who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house upon the sand; and the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell; and great was the fall of it. † In other words, a life of disobedience to the beatitudes and to the Sermon on the Mount will not stand in the judgment no matter what we believe! 1. 3How to Become Sons of God When Jesus says, â€Å"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God,† he did not tell us how to become a son of God. He simply says that sons of God are in fact peacemakers. People who are peacemakers will be recognized as the sons of God at the judgment and they will be called what they are and welcomed into the Father's house. To see how to become sons of God we can look, for example, in John 1:12 and Galatians 3:26. John 1:12 says, â€Å"To all who received him (Jesus), who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God. And Galatians 3:26 says, â€Å"For in Christ we are all sons of God through faith. † In other words, we become sons of God by trusting in Christ for our forgiveness and hope. What Jesus is saying in Matthew 5:9 is that people who have become sons of God have the character of their heavenly Father. And we know from Scripture that their heavenly Father is a â€Å"God of peace† (Romans 16:20; 1 Thessalonia ns 5:23; Hebrews 13:20). We know that heaven is a world of peace (Luke 19:38). And most important of all, we know that God is a peacemaker! God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them† (2 Corinthians 5:19). He made peace by the blood of the cross (Colossians 1:20). In other words, even though by nature we are rebels against God and have committed high treason and are worthy to be eternally court-marshaled and hanged by the neck until dead. Nevertheless God has sacrificed his own Son and now declares amnesty free and clear to any who will lay down their arms of independence and come home to faith. God is a peace-loving God, and a peacemaking God. The whole history of redemption, climaxing in the death and resurrection of Jesus, is God's strategy to bring about a just and lasting peace between rebel man and himself, and then between man and man. Therefore, God's children are that way, too. They have the character of their Father. What he loves they love. What he pursues they pursue. You can know his children by whether they are willing to make sacrifices for peace the way God did. By the sovereign work of God's grace rebel human beings are born again, and brought from rebellion to faith, and made into children of God. We were given a new nature, after the image of our heavenly Father (1 John 3:9). If he is a peacemaker, then his children, who have his nature, will be peacemakers too. CHAPTER TWO: 2. 1The Spirit of God Is the Spirit of Peace To put it another way, as Paul says in Galatians 4:6, â€Å"Since we are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, ‘Abba! Father! ‘† And therefore, as he says in Romans 8:14, â€Å"All who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God. † And being led by the Spirit always includes bearing the fruit of the Spirit. And the fruit of the Spirit is peace! So you see why it must be so, that the children of God must be peacemakers. It is by the Spirit of God that we are made children of God, and the Spirit of God is the Spirit of peace. If we are not peacemakers, we don't have the Spirit of Christ. So we do not earn or merit the privilege to be called sons of God. Instead we owe our new birth to the sovereign grace of God (John 1:13). We owe our faith to the impulses of the new birth (1 John 5:1). We receive the Holy Spirit by the exercise of this faith (Galatians 3:2). The fruit of this Spirit is peace (Galatians 5:22). And those who bear the fruit of peace are the sons of God. Our whole salvation, from beginning to end, is all of grace—therein lies our hope and joy and freedom. But our final salvation is not unconditional, we must be peacemakers—therein lies our earnestness and the great seriousness with which we must deal with these beatitudes, and seek the grace of God in our lives. Now let's look at . . . what it means to be peacemakers. 2. 2What It Means to Be a Peacemaker The promise of sonship in the second half of the Matthew 5:9 points us to Matthew 5:43-45 for our main insight. Both of these texts describe how we can show ourselves to be sons of God. You have heard that it was said, â€Å"You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. † But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. Notice verse 45, â€Å". . . so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. † The thought is the same as in Matthew 5:9. There, we must be peacemakers to be called sons of God. Here, we must love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us if we would be sons of God. So probably Jesus thinks of peacemaking as all the acts of love by which we try to overcome the enmity between us and other people. And if we ask for specifics, he gives two examples. The first thing he mentions is prayer (verse 44): Pray for those who persecute you. Pray what? The next chapter tells us. In Matthew 6:9-10 Jesus says, â€Å"Pray like this. † Pray that you and your enemy would hallow God's name. Pray that God's kingdom be acknowledged in your life and his life. Pray that you and he would do God's will the way the angels do it in heaven. In other words, pray for conversion and sanctification. The basis of peace is purity. Pray for yours and pray for his, that there might be peace. Then in Matthew 5:47 Jesus gives the other specific example of peacemaking-love in this text: â€Å"If you salute (or greet) only your brethren, what more are you doing than others? † In other words, if there is a rupture in one of your relationships, or if there is someone who opposes you, don't nurse that grudge. Don't feed the animosity by ignoring and avoiding that person. That is the natural thing to do—just cross the street so that you don't have to greet them. But that is not the impulse of the Spirit of a peacemaking God, who sacrificed his Son to reconcile us to himself and to each other. Peacemaking tries to build bridges to people. It does not want the animosity to remain. It wants reconciliation. It wants harmony. And so it tries to show what may be the only courtesy the enemy will tolerate, namely, a greeting. The peacemaker looks the enemy right in the eye and says, â€Å"Good morning, John. † And he says it with a longing for peace in his heart, not with a phony gloss of politeness to cover his anger. So we pray and we take whatever practical initiatives we can to make peace beginning with something as simple as a greeting. But we do not always succeed. And I want to make sure you don't equate peacemaking with peace-achieving. A peacemaker longs for peace, and works for peace, and sacrifices for peace. But the attainment of peace may not come. Romans 12:18 is very important at this point. There Paul says, â€Å"If possible, so far as it depends upon you, live peaceably with all. † That is the goal of a peacemaker: â€Å"If possible, so far as it depends on you . . . † Don't let the rupture in the relationship be your fault. 2. 3A Tough Question: Peace and Truth? What raises a tough question: Is it your fault when the stand that you take is causing the division? If you have alienated someone and brought down their anger upon your head because you have done or said what is right, have you ceased to be a peacemaker? Not necessarily. Paul said, â€Å"If it is possible . . . live at peace. He thus admits that there will be times that standing for the truth will make it impossible. For example, he says to the Corinthians (11:18-19), â€Å"I hear that there are divisions among you; and I partly believe it, for there must be factions among you in order that those who are genuine among you may be recognized. † Now he would not have said that, if the genui ne Christians should have compromised the truth in order to prevent divisions at all cost. It was precisely because some of the Christians were genuine—genuine peacemakers—that some of the divisions existed. (Also see 1 Corinthians 7:15. Jesus said in Matthew 10:34, thus: Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man's foes will be those of his own household. In other words, you must love peace and work for peace. You must pray for your enemies, and do good to them, and greet them, and long for the barriers between you to be overcome. But you must never abandon your allegiance to me and my word, no matter how much animosity it brings down on your head. You are not guilty; you are not in the wrong if your life of obedience and your message of love and truth elicit hostility from some and affirmation from others. CHAPTER THREE: 3. 1Social Injustices as Demands for Personal Repentance There is another explanation for why he preaches the way he does. In Luke 13:1-5 some people confronted Jesus with one of Pilate's atrocities. Here's the way he responded: There were some present at that very time who told him of the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And e answered them, â€Å"Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered thus? I tell you, No; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish. † He took a major social outrage of injustice and turned it into a demand for personal, individual repentance. â€Å"Unless you repent you will all likewise perish! † That's what he always did. Why did he do this? Because for Jesus, the eternal d estiny of a human soul is a weightier matter, a bigger issue, than the temporal destiny of a nation. . 2The Truly Weighty Matter in the World Today Now let's go back to the question. Why does a message on peacemaking from the Sermon on the Mount focus on the individual issues of prayer and greetings and personal reconciliation? Aren't these personal issues insignificant in comparison with the issues of nuclear war, military budgets, arms talks in Geneva, apartheid in South Africa, and religious crisis in northern Nigeria, civil wars in Central America, religious oppression in Romania and Russia, and international terrorism? The answer is no, because the point of these personal issues in the Sermon on the Mount is to make crystal clear that every individual within the hearing of my voice must become a new creature if you are to have eternal life. You must have a new heart. Without a merciful, pure, peacemaking heart you cannot be called a son of God at the judgment day. And that is the truly weighty matter in the world today. Is the Son of Man confined in his views of the world, is he out of touch with the real issues of life because he regards the eternal salvation of your soul as a weightier matter than the temporal destiny of any nation on earth? Blessed are you peacemakers who pray for your enemies and greet your opponents with love and sacrifice like your heavenly Father for the reconciliation of people to God and to each other, for you will be called sons of God and inherit eternal life in the kingdom of your Father. CONCLUSION Blessed are the peacemakers. But if you look around you, peacemakers are extremely rare. In fact, conflict is basically everywhere on the face of this earth – because of religion, because of politics, because of just simple old bald-faced human nature, we have massacres and destruction and ayhem and wars all over this earth. Even our court systems seem to make everybody unhappy with the judgments that are rendered. And of course we hear many things coming out of Congress that sometimes make you wonder just exactly what are they trying to do? And of course Cincinnati has become, in the last little while, renown for its conflicts as well. Isaiah the prophet wrote these words, he said, â€Å"Th e way of peace they have not known, there is no justice in their ways. They have made themselves crooked paths and whosoever takes that way, shall not know peace. â€Å"

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Malaysian Studies Essay

CHAPTER 1 Early History of Malaysia 1. History has proven that Malaysia is not a new country. Humans have been living in several areas of the country since the Stone Age. a. Explain the early inhabitants that available in Malaysia and their characteristics. (8 marks) b. What are the element of similarity among Malay Archipalego (2 marks) 2. According to history, Malacca was founded by Parameswara in 1403 A.D. In the years that followed, Malacca grew into a great Empire in the Malay Archipelago. a. Discuss the Golden Age of Malacca. b. Explain the internal factors for the fall of the Malacca Empire 3. Malaysia subjected to other powers for about 446 years from 1511 till 1957. a. Explain all five colonists that had colonized Malaysia before this (5 marks) b. What is LESSONS that can be learnt from the fall of Malacca Empire? (5 marks) 4. Malaysia is classified as one of the Commonwealth countries because Malaysia was once a colonized land a. Explain the reasons for Portuguese took over Malacca. b. What happen to Malay Archipelago when British and Dutch agree to signed THE ANGLO DUTCH TREATY 1824? MALAYSIAN STUDIES 5. Japanese occupied Malaya for only three and a half years , from 15 February 1942 to 15 August 1945 a. Discuss the reasons WHY Japanese military can conquer Malaya easily? (6 marks) b. How Japanese army attack Malaya? 6. Emergency period closely related with the development and activities of Communist party of Malaya a. Discuss on the activities of Communist Party Of Malaya b. Explain any three strategies used by British in opposing MCP (6 marks) CHAPTER 2 The Struggle for Independence 7. On 1st April 1946, Malayan Union was officially announced after British Military administration was dissolve a. Describes any four of the FEATURES of the Malayan Union. b. Why the Malays opposed the Malayan Union? 8. Malayan union was setting up by British to govern Malaya. But, the union was opposed by Malayan. a. Explain any three FACTORS which led to the failure of the Malayan Union. b. How Malaya people show their opposition toward Malayan Union? MALAYSIAN STUDIES 9. Opposition again Malayan Union by Malays and other races make British come out with new idea. a. What are idea and MATTERS that being proposed by the committee for the new constitution? b. State the reasons for AMCJA and PUTERA opposed the new constitutions? 10. Political parties continued to grow in Malaya. Leaders and members of political parties focused their struggle on protecting the interests of the members and also on striving for the country’s independence. a. List and briefly explain on the political parties in ALLIANCE b. What are the two conditions that given by British to Malaya in getting their independency? Is it Malaya successfully fulfill the condition? Explain about it 11. Malaya successfully obtain the trust from British to get our own independency through election. a. Who are the team members that go to London in February 1956 to negotiate for Malaya’s independence? b. Explain the FIVE fundamental principles in the 1957 Malayan Constitution CHAPTER 3 Systems of Government and National Administrative Structure 12. The selection of Yang di-Pertuan Agong is based on procedures spelt out in the Third Schedule of the Constitution a. Give three factors that can affect and shortened the period as the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong. MALAYSIAN STUDIES b. When the turns come, he cannot be Yang Di-Pertuan Agong under several reasons. Give the reasons. 13. In order to become the Yang-Dipertuan Agong, the candidate’s are selected among the sultans. a. List and explain the criteria in order to become the Yang Di-pertuan Agong? 14. In order to become the Yang-Dipertuan Agong, the candidate’s are selected among the sultans. a. What are the POWERS of Yang Di-Pertuan Agong? b. Briefly explain any four roles for the Council of Rulers. (5 marks) 15. The Cabinet is headed by a Prime Minister with ministers appointed by the Yang diPertuan Agong on the advice of the Prime Minister a. Explain the ROLES of Cabinet. b. LIST the legislative power of Yang Di-Pertuan Agong. c. Differenciate between senate and house of representative 16. The Judiciary or the area of justice lies with the courts. a. List and explain three types of Courts in Malaysia. b. Explain on the freedom of court in making decision? MALAYSIAN STUDIES CHAPTER 4 National Integration 17. Integration among races are important in order to maintain the harmony and unity among citizen. a. Discuss the strategies that the government was and is using to create unity and national integration. b. Explain what changes that you think happen when Malaya became Malaysia 18. Malaysia is unique countries where it includes a few number of races and  gratefully, each races are stay together harmony. a. Explain the problem of racial unity in the country prior to Independence. b. Give the three factors and reasons of the problems in unity and integration between races in Malaysia. CHAPTER 5 The Formation of Malaysia 19. The idea of the formation of Malaysia by Tunku Abdul Rahman brought forth all sorts of reactions. a. In your opinion, the formation of Malaysia was a good decision or bad decision? State your reasons? b. Briefly explain the reactions from Singapore, Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak. 20. The formation of Malaysia involved a gigantic change. But the dream became a reality and Malaysia as a new nation was born. a.  Explain why some people from Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak opposed this idea? MALAYSIAN STUDIES b. Explain why Indonesia and Philippines opposed the formation of Malaysia? 21. The Sultan of Brunei suddenly lost interest for his country to join Malaysia and Brunei did not become a member of Malaysia. a. What are the factors that contributed to the withdrawal of Brunei from Malaysia. b. Why Singapore’s separate from Malaysia? CHAPTER 6 Democracy and General Election 22. The Federation of Malaysia practices a system of parliamentary democracy. a. Discuss the differentiation between Yang Dipertuan Agong and Sultan or Ruler of states in Malaysia (4 marks) b. Discuss the THREE bodies (divisions) that available in the systems. 23. The Judiciary or the area of justice lies with the courts. It is the third body or component in the practice of delegating authority. a. What is SPEAKER of the House of Representatives. Who are the current speaker for our country? b. explain three function of SPEAKER of the House of Representatives 24. Malaysia is a country that practices parliamentary democracy. In this form or system of government, the election and voting are the important political methods for the people to give the mandate to or determine the power for a certain party to form the government. MALAYSIAN STUDIES a. Gives five characteristics of Malaysia as a Parliamentary Democracy Country. b. Explain three main responsibilities of Election Commission 25. The Ruler/Sultan is the chief executive for the respective state that rule the state based on the ‘act and advice’ principle. a. Explain the POWER of Ruler or Sultan in their State. b. What are the title of the ruler of Johor, NEgeri Sembilan,Perlis and Sarawak 26. Malaysia is a country that practices parliamentary democracy. In this  form or system of government, the election and voting are the important political methods for the people to give the mandate to or determine the power for a certain party to form the government. a. When are General Elections held? b. Explain what are the differences between the General Elections and By-Elections? 27. Democracy is a concept that is very meaningful to a country that respects the freedom of the individuals in determining the leadership of the country. a. Describes the types of ELECTION b. Discuss any three of election tools. CHAPTER 7 Malaysian Constitution MALAYSIAN STUDIES 28. Citizenship is a special status held by the people who have the right to be in a country. This status gives rights, benefits and certain facilities. a. What are the special rights that can be obtained by a Malaysian? b. In your opinion, what are the responsibilities that should be borne by a Malaysian citizen? CHAPTER 8 Development Plan and Vision 29. The Rukun Negara was officially proclaimed by Yang di-Pertuan Agong on 31 August 1971. The decision to formulate this national ideology was made a few months after the May 13 tragedy. a. What is Rukun Negara? Explain two objectives of Rukun Negara. b. LIST and briefly explain the principles of Rukun Negara. 30. The Sixth and Seventh Malaysia Plans are considered the gateway and the first 10 years of Vision 2020. a. Give and briefly explain FIVE of the Nine Challenges of Vision 2020. Page 8 of 8

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Franz Kline Biography

Franz Kline Biography Franz Klines life story reads like a movie plot: Young artist starts out with high hopes, spends years struggling without success, eventually finds a style, becomes an overnight sensation and dies too soon. Kline was best known for his role as an action painter of abstract expressionism, a movement that was popular in New York during the 1940s and 1950s and introduced the world to artists including Jackson Pollock and Willem de Kooning. Early Life Kline was born on May 23, 1910  Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. As the cartoonist for his high school newspaper, Kline was a good enough student to leave coal-mining country and attend Boston University. With budding artistic ambition, he went   to study at the Art Students League, and then Heatherly Art School in London. In 1938, he returned to the U.S. with his British wife and settled in New York City. Art Career It seemed New York really didnt care much that Kline had talent back in England and was ready to take on the world. He struggled for years as a figurative artist, doing portraits for two loyal patrons that won him a modest reputation. He also painted city scenes and landscapes, and occasionally resorted to painting barroom murals to pay the rent money. In the mid 1940s, he met de Kooning and Pollock, and began to explore his own growing interest in trying new styles of painting. Kline had been noodling around with black and white for years, creating small brush drawings and projecting them onto the wall of his studio. Now he got rather serious about creating the projected images using just his arm, brush and mental imagery. The pictures that began to emerge were given a solo exhibition in New York in 1950. As a result of the show, Franz became an established name in the art world and his large, black and white compositions- likened to grids, or Oriental calligraphy- achieved notoriety. With his reputation as a leading abstract expressionist secured, Kline concentrated on turning out his new passion. His new work had short, seemingly meaningless names, such as Painting (sometimes followed by a number), New York, Rust or the old stand-by Untitled. He spent his last years trying to introduce color back into the mix, but was cut down in his prime by heart failure. Kline died on May 13, 1962 in New York City. He couldnt explain what his paintings meant, but Kline left the art world with the understanding that explanation of his art was not its intended purpose. His paintings were supposed to make one feel, not comprehend. Important Works Chief, 1950Painting, 1952Painting Number 2, 1954White Forms, 1955Untitled, 1955Lehigh V Span, 1960Le Gros, 1961 Famous Quote The final test of a painting, theirs, mine, any other, is: does the painters emotion come across?

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Recommended Business Writing Style Guides

Recommended Business Writing Style Guides MOST RECOMMENDED The Gregg Reference Manual:A Manual of Style, Grammar, Usage, and Formatting, 11th EditionWilliam A. Sabin, McGraw-Hill, 2011 The Gregg Reference Manual is intended for anyone who writes, edits, or prepares material for distribution or publication. For over fifty years this manual has been recognized as the best style manual for business professionals who want to master the on-the-job standards of business professionals. FOR NEWSLETTERS AND BLOGS The Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media LawEdited by Darrell Christian, Sally Jacobsen, and David Minthorn, Associated Press, 2010 The Associated Press Stylebook, first published in 1977, clarified the news organization's rules on grammar, spelling, punctuation, and usage. Now in its sixth edition, the Stylebook is the standard style guide for most U.S. newspapers, magazines, public relations, and consulting firms. FOR PROOFREADERS The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th EditionThe University of Chicago Press, 2010â€Å"Chicago† is the bible of book publishers. We refer to â€Å"Chicago,† but it is a specialist’s volume. Unless you’re a professional editor or proofreader, this style guide is not needed by most business writers. FOR EVOLVING LANGUAGE Garner's Modern American Usage, 3rd EditionBryan A. Garner, Oxford University Press, 2009I like this resource because it includes a "Language-Change Index," which indicates how well accepted a term is, ranging from Stage 1, widely considered incorrect, to Stage 5, universally accepted as correct. Because business writing language is ever-evolving, this is a helpful guidebook to determine if a usage is now acceptable. FOR UK AND US ENGLISH STYLE DIFFERENCES The Economist Style Guide, 2011 Edition This guide contains a very helpful section on American and British English. American and British business writing is essentially identical. There are spelling and minor punctuation differences, that this text illustrates perfectly. By the way, you should construct documents in your style. If you are British and writing to an American, for example, use British English, rather than American English. Do not use idiomatic expressions or vague phrasings, of course. There is never any significant misunderstanding between UK and US English, as long as one avoids idiom and writes clearly. Trying to adopt a style and voice that is not your own rings false. INTERNAL STYLE GUIDE Do you wish to compile style guidelines, unique to your organization? For example, you may have specific terms you want used with consistency in all documents. Many organization compile an internal style guide, and share it with all employees. Many thanks to the ASTD LinkedIn group for sharing a generic internal style guide, which you can use as a model. (Yet, another reason you should join LinkedIn if you have not yet done so!) Download a copy of this Business Writing Style Guide Internal Template.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Intangible Assets, IAS 38 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Intangible Assets, IAS 38 - Essay Example Another criterion of identifying these assets is from contractual or other legal rights. Examples of these intangible assets would include patents, customer lists, copyrights and computer software. Some of these can be included in the financial statements of a given firm. The sale of computer software would indeed be included in a financial statement. Computer software is a person’s intelligence converted into programs acceptable to the computer platform. Intelligence is an asset that one would not see, touch or physically measure yet the products developed from the same are of great value (Alexander, Britton, & Jorissen, 2010). Looking at these intangible assets in this perspective, that they can be converted onto tangible assets then one would rightly argue that they should be included in the financial statements of the company. Internally generated brands are those products that are unique to a given firm only. The uniqueness comes into play owing to the fact that they are generated right within the company. They are not bought from outside then sold from the firm but are those generated from within the company (ibid). They are born of the intangible assets within the firm. Software manufacturing companies are most commonly known for this. Examples of these are Avast, Kaspersky, as well as Avira. These are software manufactured by different companies thus the difference in uniqueness. Lots of debates have been put forward criticizing the inclusion of these internally generated brands into the financial statements. Whichever way one decides to look at it, their inclusion would have advantages and disadvantages which are discussed in the following discourse. The main advantage lies on the fact that not a lot of monetary resources would be used in their creation. The normal monthly salary of the employee is all it takes to make an employee working in a given firm employ the best of his/her intelligence to the firm. The resulting products from an